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A Life of fruitlessness or fruitfulness?

Then Haggai, the Lord’s messenger, gave this message of the Lord to the people: “I am with you,” declares the Lord. (Haggai 1:13)

A few months ago, the Lord led me to read and ponder on the book of Haggai that kept me praying for the churches for a season. I thought of the ever-evolving COVID that has cluttered many of us, the concerns of when this pandemic is over, and when life can be more stable rather than always “cha-cha dance” around the rhythm of the COVID situation. Livelihood has been affected, the new norm has been formed, living expenses and inflation are on the upward trends, people around you got infected, death has occurred, etc. As if all these are not enough of troubles, then came the Russia-Ukraine war. Now to add on to the list, fear of World War 3, more political and economic turmoil building up, the oil price is up, food costs are going up further. For me, my life perspectives have been shifted as a result.

I encourage you to read the book of Haggai. There is a warning of fruitlessness (Haggai 1:9-11), a call to build God’s church (Haggai 1:8, 14), a covenant that He is with you (Haggai 2:4-5), a hope that the glory of the present house will be greater than the former house, an assurance that He has all resources (Haggai 2:8). Don’t let your life remains fruitless. Live a life of fruitfulness. Don’t let what’s going on around you deter you from fulfilling His call for you to focus on building His church. Fear not, for He is with you always. Let hope arises, as you open your spiritual eyes to see the glory of the present house to come. Have faith, for all the resources and the earth and everything in it belongs to the Lord (Ps 24:1, 1 Cor 10:26, Deut 10:14). You have a rich Heavenly Daddy! You can trust in His provision as you remain faithful and obedient to His call for you. Starting from today, decide that you’re not going to waste your life, a life of fruitlessness, but you’re going to re-focus your life to be His kingdom’s purpose, a life of fruitfulness.

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