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Do not fear; I will help you.

Updated: Jun 25, 2022

Isaiah 41:13 is so comforting to me.

Are you feeling overwhelmed with life challenges and work or ministry demands, or with the recent news of the upswing of COVID cases, inflation picking up further, or the Afghanistan earthquake? For me, I have just journeyed my 1st week as a seminary student with APTS, and the welcoming message from the school’s President to the students on “Honesty, Hardworking & Humility” is now beginning to sink deeper from my head to my heart and onto my trembling hands, as I count the number of assignments, the readings requirement, the research papers, etc, that I must conquer. But God has reminded me that He will help me - “For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” (Isa 41:13) What a comfort to have His assurance.

So, may you also be comforted to know that God will help you in your situation, whatever it may be. For He is saying to you that He is your Lord, He is your God. So do not let anxiety, worries, or fear be your lord or god. He says He takes hold of your right hand - our laboring hand, our working hand, our strongest hand. Imaging His hand is on your right hand while you labor faithfully, work diligently, hold on to your faith firmly, surely “You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you” (Ps128:2)

Praise God!

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