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Opportunity once passed, is lost forever.

“The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” And the Lord said, “If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.” (Luke 17:5-6)

As part of my reading assignment for my Perspectives in Pentecostalism course, I read a book by Frank Bartleman on his journey to bringing the Pentecost revival to Los Angeles. Bartleman was one of the participants in the Azusa Revival and there were many things that he wrote in that book that stirred my heart. In particular, he quoted an extract from a tract he wrote in 1906, “Opportunity once passed, is lost forever. There is a time when the tide is sweeping by our door. We may then plunge in and be carried to glorious blessing, success and victory. To stand shivering on the bank, timid, or paralyzed with stupor, at such a time, is to miss all, and most miserably fail, both for time and eternity. Oh, our responsibility!” (Bartleman, Frank. 1925. “How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles: As It Was in the Beginning.” 2nd ed. Los Angeles, Calif.

While Bartleman's message to people of God at that time was to be united, to “get together” and plunge in to be baptized with power by the Holy Spirit, however, the quote “Opportunity once passed, is lost forever“ speaks of something else to me. It speaks of an opportunity, a possibility, an unfamiliar place, a new area to serve, a new purpose, mission or vision, that God is giving to many of us, but once we have it passed, it is lost forever.

Has God been speaking to you? Is there something new coming your way? Something that you need to move forward, but you do not see it feasible or possible as you consider your limited resources, incompetent capabilities, or the circumstances that you are in? Something that gets you “stand shivering on the bank, timid, or paralyzed”? Don’t miss His call to you for such seasons as NOW!

TIME does not wait for us! And so is OPPORTUNITY!

If it’s of God, we can be sure that He who is Jehovah-Jireh, Nissi, Rapha, Rohi and Shammah will walk through the journey with you.

Some of us, perhaps like me, likely need more faith to do so, and this is exactly what the apostles asked of Jesus and His response to them is in Luke 17:5-6, just a “faith like a grain of mustard seed” is all that is needed. Take note - He did not say to have faith to uproot a tree, but faith like a grain of mustard seed. Just that small faith is all He asks of you and me. That small faith in Jesus will be enabling us.

I have much to digest and ponder upon. Pray that you are blessed by this reading.

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