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Progressing while Resting

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord established his steps." Prov 16:9

See this scene with me…

People walking & running around you. The young & old, the physically fit & frail, the slow Walker & fast Rusher, all moving at different paces of the race. It looks like the Rusher will reach the finishing line faster than the others. But then something changes this. Beneath every pair of legs, there’s an invisible moving travelator. It changes the speed of the race created by the individual’s physical being. On the right, this frail fellow walking slowly but his travelator accelerated for him that he moves forward & ahead of many. Then on the left, a Rusher dashes & speeds forward but his travelator makes a slow motion of his steps, like a Matrix movie, & he’s only as fast as the Walker regardless of how much he presses in.

Then this small voice uttered Prov 16:9 to my heart. We may plan how, where & what is our way but it’s the Lord who established our steps. So don’t worry over our lack or the lack caused by our surroundings. Don’t bother about others & what they said, & definitely not looking at ourselves.

Just stay FOCUS & REST in JESUS.

Be encouraged that regardless of your circumstances, the Lord will establish your steps. And because it’s the Lord who established our steps, we can be at rest in Him while still progressing in our race & at a pace He established.

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